Flexible, Stable Power

Flexible, Stable Power

. . . Why Flexible, Stable Power Matters

  • Output power 0–20 mW
  • Power flatness < 0.015 dB
  • Selectable output profiles include flat across band, Gaussian, tapered cosine, and Custom Power Profile™
  • Smooth output power reduces image artifacts
  • Selectable power allows tailoring to gain ranges
  • Custom profiles allow experimentation and optimization of the PSF
  • Insight power specification is the flat power for the specific profile, thus yielding better imaging.  (In other words, it is not 3 dB, or 6 dB, or 10 dB down.)  Much of the information in a sweep comes from the beginning and end of the sweep; strong output power is provided where it helps the most.
  • Flat, strong output power can reduce RIN tradeoffs


Output Power Up To 20 mW

Output power in the Insight laser is directly controlled on the chip with the same single-digit nanosecond timing that allows fast wavelength variation.  The nominal output power of the laser (ranging from "off" to "nominal" to "nominal less approximatley 10 dB") can be selected from software.



Flatness < 0.015 dB

The Insight laser has direct control of output power to automatically tailor the output power to the desired output with conformance to ±0.015 dB, or about ±0.3% of the signal.

Reduced amplitude variation can directly reduce spurious artifacts in the PSF, thus reducing the resulting ghosting or blurring of the image quality.

The importance of flatness is illustrated by the fact that amplitude variation is not eliminated by balanced detection—only the zero value is corrected. The varying amplitude envelope of other lasers remains in the interferogram, contaminating the image.

Output power is controlled to ±0.015 dB


Output power profile comparisons


Selectable Output Profiles Include Flat Across Band, Gaussian, Tapered Cosine, and Custom Power Profile™*

Rather than having to live with the natural output power profile of the laser, you can select the power profile that optimizes your image quality and overall system performance.  In the literature, different research has supported flat, Gaussian, and tapered cosine power profiles.  There are arguments that can be made that the ideal power profile might pre-emphasize the power across wavelength to compensate for the non-idealities in the optical system, yielding the desired profile at the imaging head, or at the measurement point.  This can be accomplished with the Insight laser by using a custom power profile which directly mirrors the wavelength dependency of your optical subsystem.


Insight laser PSF flatness < 0.015 dB


Gaussian power profile


Tapered cosine power profile


Cosine pre-emphasized to compensate for interferometer WDL


Learn more about Insight's akinetic technology.